January Partner Newsletter
Dear Hunger Relief Partners, My name is Christy Johnson, and I am excited to introduce myself as the new Regional Engagement Lead! I will lead the Regional Engagement Team to facilitate and create meaningful collaborations to support our partners’ capacity and best serve our neighbors. I have 15 years of experience in marketing, promotional work, […]
December Partner Newsletter
I am feeling very thankful this holiday season for many things, and especially for each of you. The work that you do every day to help others is something to celebrate! It is an honor to work together with each of you to get food to our communities. I am looking forward to the opportunity […]
December Western Slope Partner Newsletter
We are almost at the finish line of another jam-packed year of supporting our communities and their unique needs. It also happens to be a season of high volume – more food, more volunteers (and the influx of requests, which is great to have more hands), more donations (grateful, but how do you make time […]
November 2023 Partner Newsletter
We all know first-hand the impact a well-balanced, nutritionally dense diet can have on our health and how it can leave us feeling a sense of eudaimonia — which is Greek for “a feeling of good spirit, happiness, or wellness.” The importance of incorporating whole grains, low sodium foods, nutritious snacks, and fresh fruits and […]
November 2023 Western Slope Partner Newsletter
Dear Valued Hunger Relief Partners, At Food Bank of the Rockies, we are grateful for so many things during this season, one of which was a successful and informative Western Slope Partner Conference in October! We met so many of our amazing partners and were able to learn about each other and grow together. It’s […]
October 2023 Partner Newsletter
Welcome Welcome to the Insights and Impact Division of Food Bank of the Rockies! Our division mission, “Empowering Communities through Knowledge and Innovation,” underscores our commitment to cultivating an environment where data drives our decisions and innovation paves the way to support your work. We immerse ourselves in extensive research and community data to foster […]