Lend a hand, help a neighbor.
Your helping hands mean the world to people in need of food. There are so many ways to volunteer at Food Bank of the Rockies, and every bit helps us help others. We provide the training, the safe environment, and the communal fun. All you have to do is show up.
To sign up now, use one of the links below or scroll down for more information about volunteering as an individual or as a group.
Click here to learn more about what you can expect in each volunteer role.

Sign up to volunteer as a group of 5+

Individual Volunteers
(1–4 people)
Whether it’s family, friends, co-workers or just you, we’d love to see you in our distribution center. We offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities six days a week, mostly at our main distribution center but also at our Nome Street facility, both just off I-70 in Denver.

Group Volunteers
(5+ people)
Volunteering is a phenomenal way to build camaraderie between peers, family members, classmates, neighbors, and friends. And we’ve made organizing your group volunteer experience easy to arrange and announce.
Want to volunteer on the Western Slope?
Want to volunteer in Wyoming?
Volunteering FAQs
Our 45th Avenue Distribution Center is open Monday–Saturday, with shifts from 8:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of your shift.
Our Nome Distribution Center is open for volunteer session on select days from 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
On the third Saturday of every month, we offer a volunteer shift from 8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
You should dress in weather-appropriate attire, as well as wear closed-toe shoes (sneakers, work boots, etc.) and clothing appropriate for a warehouse workplace setting. No clothing that is overly revealing or suggestive is allowed. Shirts/tops must have a strap over each shoulder and the bottom of shirts/tops must meet or be longer than the top of the pants so that the midriff is not exposed. No halters, tube tops, or single-shoulder strap shirts are allowed. No undergarments may be visible when in normal posture (sitting or standing). No clothing that has a derogatory message or promotes, suggests, or depicts violence is allowed.
Court-ordered volunteers sign up online to get started. We will consider misdemeanor court-ordered community service on a case-by-case basis. At this time, we cannot accept charges related to theft, violence, or those of a sexual nature.
Please register in advance! You can see what shifts are available and sign up through our website.
All volunteering occurs within our warehouses, so we encourage contacting our office first. We will examine each situation and try to accommodate all individuals to the best of our ability.
We can take up to 70 volunteers in the morning and about 35 volunteers in the afternoon, with advance arrangements. Groups will be split into multiple areas.
Yes. Please bring in any paperwork you need filled out and let us know when you start your shift. We’ll have it signed for you at the end of your shift.
We have some small lockers available for purses and jackets, but advise that you only bring what you really need. Items left in vehicles must be placed out of view and locked. Food Bank of the Rockies is not liable for stolen items.
Volunteers in the Main Warehouse must be at least 10 years old. Any volunteers under 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult. To volunteer on the dock or order selection, you must be 16 years old or older. Volunteers must be 18 years or older to volunteer in the kitchen.
Food Bank of the Rockies is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and productive environment. Volunteers are prohibited from possessing, using, being under the influence of, or selling drugs and alcohol that can alter judgment, as determined in the sole discretion of Food Bank of the Rockies. The possession, use, consumption, and/or sale of such substances, including marijuana for either recreational or medicinal purposes, while volunteering for Food Bank of the Rockies will not be tolerated.