× Child smiling.

2X Match Deadline Extended

Hunger is on the rise across Colorado.

Now through April 30, your donation will be matched to make 2X the impact for our neighbors.

Help address the emergency level of need in our region while your gift = 2X the impact!

× Child smiling.

Hunger is on the rise across Colorado.

Now through midnight on April 30, your donation will be matched to make 2X the impact for our neighbors.

Help address the emergency level of need in our region while your gift = 2X the impact!

× Family at Food Pantry

Make 2X the Impact this Summer

URGENT REPORT: 1 in 9 Coloradans are experiencing food insecurity. Your donation today will help provide 2X the nourishment for our neighbors.

Make 2X the impact this summer for our Colorado neighbors >>

× Child smiling.

Live Here, Give Here.

Together, we can make a difference in our state.

Make your WyoGives Day gift before midnight and have it matched to support Food Bank of Wyoming.

Make your WyoGives Day gift now and have it matched to support Food Bank of Wyoming.

Child smiling.

MATCH DEADLINE: August 31, 2024

Your gift today will help provide 2X as much nourishing food for our neighbors experiencing hunger.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to DOUBLE your impact this summer >>

Woman and child with box of groceries.


Our neighbors facing hunger need you more than ever.

Your membership in our FEED365 monthly giving club will make a lasting difference in our mission to nourish our community all year long.

Help our neighbors facing hunger this year by starting your monthly gift.

Kids Cafe Provides Meals for Araceli’s Family


Last week, we had the pleasure of meeting Araceli and her four beautiful children, Jennifer, Genaro, Jitzel and Marie. Through Aurora Community Connections after school program, the children enjoy fun and educational activities and receive a meal provided by Food Bank of the Rockies and Colorado Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Araceli volunteers to help with the programs and assist the teachers. The kids participate in cooking classes, martial arts, homework club and reading. Before they start their activities, the children are given a Super Snack Meal that includes nutritious, ready-to-eat foods meeting all the USDA children’s meal requirements for protein, fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy.

Jennifer and Genaro enjoy the cookies, crackers and carrots. Marie, the oldest of the four, shares that she likes everything because it provides a balance of all the nutrients she needs. Jitzel enjoys reading and working with a tutor, so the food helps her concentrate.

The family participated in a Facebook Live interview with Vanessa Bernal from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The department reimburses Food Bank of the Rockies for some of the costs to distribute the meals, making this important program possible.

After the interview, we asked Araceli why the meals were important to her family. She told us that she couldn’t afford to provide this food if it wasn’t available through the after school program. She expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity to nourish her children and help them grow, thanking the community for their generosity and for making the meals and programs possible.

Your contributions mean the world to families like Araceli’s. Every dollar helps provide four meals. Donate here.

And if you’d like to volunteer, we have opportunities to help in our warehouse or community kitchen. Learn more and sign up here.


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