What is Link2Feed?
Link2Feed is a Client Service Insights program designed specifically to meet the needs of hunger relief organizations. This online program tracks Client Visits, generates real-time data reports, and increases understanding of food insecurity in our communities. This paperless alternative for data tracking enables our partners to more efficiently and effectively support their clients through a simple and easy to learn software. Requiring no special equipment or software downloads, Link2Feed works with any device that has access to the internet including computers, tablets, and smartphones.
We are thrilled to be able to offer Link2Feed at no additional cost to your organization. Link2Feed is available to all programs including food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, schools, backpack programs, and kids’ meal sites. If you have any questions, would like to set up a demo, or attend a training, please contact us at today.

“The Link2Feed database allows for easy tracking and provides a variety of useful benefits. For example, we can determine the frequency of our clients visits, whether they have visited in a particular month and if there are other family members who have registered.
We appreciate the ability to use this database as we support our neighbors in need.”
-Mary Mondragon, Director of Immaculate Heart of Mary

“Link2Feed reduces the time to check clients in and record visits. We can quickly check qualifications, proxy information and relevant details.
Link2Feed comes not just with application support but also with frequent webinars and training around items specific to TEFAP, CSFP, and more. The client support team is always at the ready and enormously helpful and willing to answer questions.”
-Heidi Andrews, Jewish Family Service of Colorado
New Partner Materials
Step by Step Instructions
Additional Documents
Train With Us!
RSVP for Link2Feed Partner Training
RSVP for Link2Feed Food For Kids (afterschool & summer) Training
Still have questions? Email us:
Video Resources
What is Link2Feed?
Reporting in Link2Feed
Client Self Enrollment Video
Client Intake Demonstration
Feature updates
Checking clients into Link2Feed is now even easier with the addition of the barcode feature. Instead of typing in a client’s ID number, you can scan a barcode card using either a barcode scanner or the camera on a smartphone/tablet. When paired with Quick Clicks, the barcode cards are yet another way to speed up the Link2Feed process. Barcode cards and barcode scanners are now available to all partners implementing Link2Feed at no cost. If your organization is interested in implementing the barcode feature, please email and indicate the quantity of supplies needed.
If you’d like to learn more about the barcode feature, watch this video:
CNCT (Community eNrollment and Connection Tool)
Typically, when a New Client visits a pantry, an Intake Volunteer asks a series of questions to complete the client’s Link2Feed profile. The process can take up to five minutes and requires close interaction between the Intake Volunteer and Clients. Due to extended lines and drive-through procedures in place during the Pandemic, Link2Feed developed CNCT as a faster, easier, and more accurate way of collecting Client Data.
Watch the below video tutorial to learn more!
Paperless TEFAP Recording
Have you been tracking TEFAP visits both on paper and on Link2Feed? It is time to become approved for paperless tracking!
The paperless approval process is simple. After 30 days of tracking both forms of intake, contact Food Bank of the Rockies ( to set up an audit. Audits must be conducted by Food Bank of the Rockies staff and during a regular distribution time. Once your organization has passed the audit, we will follow up with an agreement and distribution of Scriptel Signature Pads. These pads are provided at no cost to your organization and can be utilized once signatures are reinstated.
If you are ready to go paperless, would like to verify your paperless status, or to learn more about the process, please email
Quick Click
Client Intake just became a lot faster with the introduction of Quick Click. Quick Click is a free optional add-on feature that allows Intake Users to rapidly record visits with the ease of a few clicks.
The feature will populate a green bar on the User Dashboard. Once Quick Click is turned to “On,” select the services the client is receiving. Type the client in the search field and simply click on their name. The client’s visit will be recorded. With this system, a signature is still required for CSFP or TEFAP. A signature box will appear on the screen before recording the visit. If a client’s profile needs to be reviewed, Quick Click will require a normal profile review.
For more information, please watch this video: