× Child smiling.

2X Match Deadline Extended

Hunger is on the rise across Colorado.

Now through April 30, your donation will be matched to make 2X the impact for our neighbors.

Help address the emergency level of need in our region while your gift = 2X the impact!

× Child smiling.

Hunger is on the rise across Colorado.

Now through midnight on April 30, your donation will be matched to make 2X the impact for our neighbors.

Help address the emergency level of need in our region while your gift = 2X the impact!

× Family at Food Pantry

Make 2X the Impact this Summer

URGENT REPORT: 1 in 9 Coloradans are experiencing food insecurity. Your donation today will help provide 2X the nourishment for our neighbors.

Make 2X the impact this summer for our Colorado neighbors >>

× Child smiling.

Live Here, Give Here.

Together, we can make a difference in our state.

Make your WyoGives Day gift before midnight and have it matched to support Food Bank of Wyoming.

Make your WyoGives Day gift now and have it matched to support Food Bank of Wyoming.

Child smiling.

MATCH DEADLINE: August 31, 2024

Your gift today will help provide 2X as much nourishing food for our neighbors experiencing hunger.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to DOUBLE your impact this summer >>

Woman and child with box of groceries.


Our neighbors facing hunger need you more than ever.

Your membership in our FEED365 monthly giving club will make a lasting difference in our mission to nourish our community all year long.

Help our neighbors facing hunger this year by starting your monthly gift.

Toasting 18 Years of Dedicated Service

After 18 years of dedicated service to Food Bank of the Rockies, Barbara Arko, Vice President of
Development, has retired. Barbara came to FBR after a long career in Development for the Arts – her other love. She was responsible for overseeing all fundraising activities, board member recruitment and annual, capital and endowment campaigns. She also served as FBR’s interim CEO in 2002. Barbara wore many hats for the organization and did a remarkable job in each position she held.
Staff and supporters of Food Bank of the Rockies will be forever grateful for the compassion and commitment Barbara has demonstrated in helping those in need. We have grown from distributing just over 8 million pounds when Barbara joined the organization to over 25 million this past year. Barbara played a large role in the growth experienced by this organization.

In early January, peers, partners and family gathered together to send Barbara off in style at a retirement party honoring her dedication. The pinnacle of the evening occurred when Board Chair, Richard Treich, unveiled the new name of the Development wing of FBR’s office: The “Barbara Arko Development Center.” Here’s to you Barbara! You will be missed!

This plaque hangs inside the Development Offices at FBR.

Barbara’s husband and daughters joined us in celebrating her retirement.


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