Woman and child with apple.


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Feeding Children’s Bodies and Minds This Summer

happy kids with books

Food Bank of the Rockies is thrilled to join with Denver7 for the second year of distributing 2,700 new Scholastic books to children who receive meals at several of our mobile pantries and groceries at select Totes of Hope® sites throughout the metro area.  Denver7’s Read to Lead program provides the children’s books free through community programs serving children in areas where books may not be readily available in their homes.

Literacy is crucial to success in school and life. Denver7 Read to Lead works to develop partnerships and initiatives focused on increasing access to books and encouraging reading. Studies show when children grow up with books in the home, they enjoy a substantial advantage over children who do not. More than 60 percent of low-income families have no children’s books in their homes. And with both public and school libraries closed for months due to COVID-19, books are needed at home now more than ever.

“Getting books into the hands of kids who need them is especially important now,” said Kristin Stork, director of strategic partnerships for Denver7. “With school and public libraries closed since March, students have had less access to books, and we know how important having books in the home is to a child’s ability to succeed. Denver7 Read to Lead is proud to continue our partnership with Food Bank of the Rockies, feeding both the minds and bodies of children in need.”

The first distribution of books at Food Bank of the Rockies’ Montbello mobile pantry was a welcome gift for more than 260 children. Along with the books, children received summer meals through Food Bank of the Rockies’ summer lunch program and groceries for their families.

“At Food Bank of the Rockies, we are excited to once again partner with Denver7 to share these wonderful Scholastic books through our summer kids’ meals and Totes of Hope® weekend food bag programs. This partnership will nourish growing bodies and minds over the summer, a time in which many kids and their families have been hit hard by both food insecurity and fewer learning opportunities. This generous partnership will help children develop and thrive. Thank you!” said Erin Pulling, President and CEO of Food Bank of the Rockies.

By distributing free books this summer, Denver7 Read to Lead hopes to help kids discover a love of reading as they learn to read and read more often. To learn more about Denver7 Read to Lead, visit www.TheDenverChannel.com.

JoAnn, pictured above, received books for her four grandchildren – ages 5 through 13.

Monica Villela was so excited and shared her gratitude.”Denver7, thank you so much for everything you’re doing for our kids – for our communities, thank you! We have four kids and they are gonna love the books,” she shared.

Books, summer kids’ meals, and groceries are available to families in need at Food Bank of the Rockies’ Montbello and Dick’s Sporting Goods Park mobile pantries while supplies last.

Food Bank of the Rockies’ team members Francis (L) and Julie (R) had fun distributing the books along with summer meals for children at the mobile pantry.

Mobile Pantry Book Distribution Details

United Church of Montbello
4879 Crown Blvd, Denver, CO 80239
second and fourth Thursdays of every month, starting at 9:00 until the food is gone (usually 10:30 – 11:00)

Dick’s Sporting Goods Park
6000 Victory Way, Commerce City, CO 80022
first and third Friday of every month, starting at 9:00 am until the food is gone (usually 10:30 – 11:00)




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