Mark Your Calendars for August 23
Joe and Debbie Sakic are making plans for their 16th Annual Bringing Hope to the Table Celebration, benefiting the children’s programs through Food Bank of the Rockies. They’d love nothing more than to see you and your colleagues, friends and family at this awesome event. The high end silent and live auction will offer items […]
Chicago Students Donating Summer Time
Hey kids, does your school offer classes that teach you about giving back in your community? Check out what this school out of Chicago is doing! We think it would awesome if kids talked to their schools about doing something like this. Read the Chicago Tribute article HERE.
Kung Food Fighters Tour and Give Back!
When we launched the Kung Food Fighters Kids Club a couple months back, we had no idea how many amazingly awesome kids would pop out of the wood work. A couple weeks ago, we hosted a private tour for club members and their families, followed by a delicious breakfast provided by our in-house chef. […]
9 Cares and King Soopers Brings Hope – All Year Round
Last week, we were blessed with yet another outpouring of generosity through 9Cares Colorado Shares and King Soopers. Coloradans came forward to fight hunger and donated over 14,000 pounds of food and purchased boxes which provided an additional 130,000 pound of food through our friends at King Soopers! This past Thursday, over 100 hunger relief […]
Faces of Food Bank: Shar
Shar can be found in the midst of our inner warehouse office space. She’s responsible for the overall coordination, responses and filing of incoming/outgoing documents and correspondence in our Nutrition Network. Shar also performs site reviews as needed. You can find her reading, knitting, singing and hanging out with her family and grandkids outside the […]
Car Seats for ALL Kids
We’re sharing the following story from a past Facebook post from Denver Public School’s AmeriCorp page. What a cool story from a little girl who used her personal situation to help others! Kids, what can YOU do to use your experiences to help others? Children’s Advisory Network shared Denver Public Schools AmeriCorps‘s photo. The Power of […]