Discovering Friendship While Volunteering: Meet Margaret and Debbie

friends who volunteer at Food Bank of the Rockies together

When Debbie and Margaret signed up as volunteers with Food Bank of the Rockies in November 2020, neither expected to end up finding a good friend. The two then-strangers individually signed up to volunteer at the Food Bank’s distribution center in Denver on Wednesdays, and from the moment they met during that initial shift, it […]

Filling the Gaps Post-COVID with the new FRESH Program

Colorado Food Bank Volunteers Unloading a Truck

Like everything in its wake, COVID-19 completely uprooted and transformed Food Bank of the Rockies’ operations. As need grew by 60-80% in the communities we serve, we dug in and faced the challenge with determination and creativity, often with the assistance of government initiatives such as the USDA Coronavirus Food Assistance Program’s (CFAP) Farmers to […]

As the Pandemic Continues, Food Insecurity Remains

food bank volunteer carrying large stack of boxes

Since March 2020, our focus at Food Bank of the Rockies has been on serving our partners and clients with tenacity and strength as life as we all knew it was repeatedly and totally upended due to the COVID-19 crisis. In 2020, the need for food in our service areas increased by upwards of 50%, […]

Meet Kate Budd, Food Bank of the Rockies’ Mobile Pantries Representative

Kate Budd, Food Bank of the Rockies' Mobile Food Pantry Representative

  Serving as Food Bank of the Rockies’ Mobile Pantries Representative is a full-circle experience for Kate Budd. “I have relatives who benefitted from food banks in southern Texas growing up,” she explains. “I’m adopted, and my family’s whole mantra is that talent is evenly distributed, but opportunity is not. When you have the opportunity […]

Hunger Relief Partner Highlight: Thai Nguyen and Kaizen Food Rescue

Kaizen Volunteers

If you ask Thai Nguyen how she manages to do all the things that she does—be a mother to three kids, oversee the operations of Kaizen Food Rescue, invest in her community—she’ll smile and shrug the question off. She just does. Simple as that. Except that nothing about Thai’s work is simple. In fact, it’s […]